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Sterling Silver Ribbon 32x15 Lapis 36x33 Zebra Stone Agate 8” square Garnet 12” round Black onyx


Lapis Lazuli is found in Afghanistan. The mines of the Badakshan region, near the Russian border, have been mined for 6000 years.

The majority of gemstones are valued by their color and none more so than Lapis Lazuli – if it is not blue it is not Lapis Lazuli, and the bluer the better! The ideal color is a vivid, even, dark blue color, perhaps with violet undertones. Lapis Lazuli nearly always has some blemishes or inclusions, usually white calcite or golden pyrite, and amberuniform-colored gemstones with fewer inclusions are valued higher.

Pyrite can cause attractive patterns of golden flecks in a deep blue background and if it is not too dense can enhance the appearance and increase the price. White streaks of calcite are quite common and not so attractive so this will lower the value.

Meaning: Lapis Lazuli is a lucky gemstone and that means lucky in love, with money and with your job, not only in gaining new love, wealth or employment but in enhancing current love and faithfulness, keeping your finances in order and advancing your present career. A stone of protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks, Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli assists to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence. It bonds relationships, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions.


Zebra Jasper

Jasper can be found all over the world, but zebra jasper has been specifically mined in Africa, Russia and India.

Like other jaspers, zebra jasper is found all over the world and has been used since antiquity. But, unlike much jasper which is spotted, this variety of jasper marble is striped. Jasper, an opaque chalcedony, comes in a wide variety of colors, each with unique patterning. Zebra jasper is the variety of jasper known for its mottled warm brick red and avocado green appearance. The term "jasper" itself comes from the Greek work iaspi, which means "spotted stone." Jasper in general has been a gemstone used all over the world, worn by ancient Egyptian priests and carved as seals by the Minoans. While jasper is more widely available today, jasper was once considered a valuable stone.


Meaning: Zebra jasper motivates us to move out of apathy into action. It helps us avoid over-thinking and encourages us to just enjoy the experience of living. Zebra jasper's striking colors intensify that message. Like the swift, wild animal for which it's named, it shows us how to live. It says: Get out of your head! Get into your body. Let the zest for life flow through you. On top of this, zebra jasper stimulates the root chakra. This grounds us, helping us find enjoyment in the beauty of our world.



Today, different types of garnet are found across different parts of the globe. Pyrope Garnet is located in Brazil, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Almandite is found in parts of Brazil, India, Madagascar, and the US. Spessartite is also found in Brazil, as well as China, Kenya, and Madagascar.


Meaning: Garnet symbolizes a quick return to a separated love, fertility and feminine life force.

Legend states that Hades gifted a pomegranate to Persephone before she left his domain to ensure a speedy and safe return. When she did return, the fruit transformed into a handful of the red gemstones.

A garnet stone is often gifted to a loved one before they embark on travel. Garnets are commonly believed to aid in the healing of broken bonds of love. Garnets are also known to aid in the treatment of melancholy and depression by acting as a heart and blood stimulant.

Garnet is thought to be extremely beneficial in the realm of business. The stone can attract people to the wearer, which can help provide personal and business success. It is especially beneficial to people wanting to start home businesses.



Black Onyx is a gemstone found in various regions of the world including Yemen, Uruguay, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Latin America, the UK, and various states in the US.


The name "onyx" comes from the Greek word for "fingernail," referring to the translucence of the white-colored layer of this multi-layered stone. According to myth, Cupid trimmed the nails of the sleeping goddess Venus. The Fates turned those clippings into stone to prevent even a part of Venus from dying.

The Romans were experts at glyptography (the carving of layered stones to reveal different colors) and crafted beautiful seals from onyx (white layer over black base) and sardonyx (white layer over reddish-brown base). The patterns were cut in negative relief. Engravings with a negative picture are called intaglios and those with raised image are cameos. In the Middle East, onyx was associated with sorcerers.


Meaning: Black Onyx has been associated with regeneration and new beginnings. Black onyx is thought by some to have protective qualities, making it advantageous to carry when traveling. It is said to be useful in fighting basic fears and helping to move beyond bad relationships--as well as to heal old emotional wounds. The Romans associated onyx with courage and it is thought to be useful when one is defending him/herself against unfair criticism.


Sterling Silver Ribbon Lapis Zebra Stone Agate square Garnet round Black onyx

SKU: 003
  • **Proper Care for Your Stones**

    While gemstones are tough, each is unique and requires special care to keep it long-lasting and durable. Some stones are more delicate than others and can be easily scratched. Remember, gemstones are nature’s gift from the earth, each with its own story. Avoid exposing stones to household cleaner’s bleaches or sulfuric acid. Clean your stones with a cool moist soft cotton cloth.

    What comes with your Pendant:
    The Ribbon pendant is 9.25 Sterling Silver
    Each ribbon pendant has a Stainless-Steel Wire Collar Neck Ring Necklace or Chain.
    If you are interested in purchasing a sterling silver or plated neck-ring checker or chain, please contact me for the cost.

    ** All metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Tobie’s Jewels does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.

    Thank you once again for your purchase

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